songs-lyrics. free song words. you write the tunes and use our free lyrics

Attention songwriters. Use our words for your songs. These pages contain over 200 new English song lyrics. All lyrics are free until royalties or money derived in any way from the song becomes payable. If you're into songwriting and have a tune but can't find the right words to complete the song, you've come to the right place.

  • You compose the music and use our free lyrics to complete your song.

  • Use of our lyrics is free until the song earns any income.

  • All lyrics remain the property of the copyright holder named on this website.

  • Use of any lyrics contained in this web site constitutes acceptance of the terms below.

Please take a wander through this archive of song lyrics. They are in alphabetical order by title but in no specific order by style or genre, and average 10 songs per page. In some cases a suggestion of the type of song or the singing style is made, but you are free to interpret these lyrics any way you like.

If you can't find something suitable here try some of the other song lyric sites here and on our links page

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Terms and Conditions
By using any song lyric or part of a song lyric which we publish, becomes entitled to receive 30% of the total royalties as holders of the copyright of the lyrics.
The user of the lyrics is deemed to understand and accept this agreement as legally binding and to make arrangements for all monies to be rendered to
All songs are copyright protected. The right of Alan Jackson to be identified as the author of these works has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patent Acts 1988.
All rights are reserved. No part of any lyric published may be reproduced, stored or transmitted by any means without the full and unreserved acceptance of the terms contained herein.

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